Marriage: 3 things I have learned from being married

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First and foremost:

Happy 2nd year anniversary to my Husband Jackie (June 7th), I love you and I couldn’t imagine life without you!


Now lets get real. lol

Marriage isn’t always roses and butterflies, ok? There are great moments, and there are some moments where you think the worse of the other person.  They are annoying! You are annoying. Hmm. Me annoying? I don’t think so but my husband would say differently. lol Anyways, Am I being real enough yet? If not, stay tuned..


Letting go of lists

I’m talking about the lists of things that you “think” your spouse should do (cook, clean, mow the grass). You should never expect your spouse to do something just because you want them to. Honestly, I thought I needed at list for him because I wanted what I wanted. I was the problem. The funny thing is that he wanted to do those things I listed above, and I didn’t need to tell him. He didn’t need a list of anything. Don’t get me wrong sometimes he needs a “reminder” so- to- say lol (being real here) but I don’t need to write anything down and give it to him. So let go of the lists, trust me, he knows. 




You both have to change to make the marriage work

You know how people say you don’t have to change or you shouldn’t change to make someone else happy? Well, in marriage you most definitely should change. I’m not saying change your personality and everything that makes you, you. But you both do have to adapt (make a choice) to keep the other happy. Being able to adapt will keep the love present and the marriage alive.


Little things matter so much

Sometimes we are so busy with ourselves that we don’t think about the other person, and how they are feeling. The little things matter, these include:

  • Encouragement Everyone needs to be encouraged and sometimes your spouse needs to hear that they are doing great not just in the marriage but in everything. Try it
  • Giving thanks You never know how the words “Thank you” can make such a huge difference. Your spouse is trying and doing everything to make you happy. Thank them on a regular basis.
  • Praying for each other– Prayer is so important to keep the marriage together. Joint prayers are great, but are you praying (alone) for your spouse. It makes a tremendous difference.


Ask yourself if marriage is something that will not only make you happy but will make your spouse happier. Marriage is never about you, ever. It’s about your partner. Let go of small things and know marriage is an adventure! Don’t forget to continue dating! 😉


Let me know in the comments if you are getting married anytime soon or if you are married. Drop some knowledge.


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