Temporary state

You know how you’ve been at a job for years or even a year and you’re just over it? You’ve done all can and have outgrown your current position. We all have experienced this at work or within a relationship. We just want out as fast as we can we don’t think about a backup plan because of whatever or whoever it is, is weighing us down. GET ME OUT OF THIS NOW. It feels like time is passing us by and nothing is getting better. It’s only getting worse. This is because we’re so focused on what’s wrong and the next that we cannot see what’s good. Our job is providing the income to help us reach the next level in our personal endeavors (your own business,etc). Our boyfriend won’t stop nagging us on doing better for ourselves. We’re over it, we don’t need him, or the damn job. Does this sound familiar? Well, for me it does. I’ve been there in more ways than one. Even currently, multiple people I know are ready to get out of a relationship because their significant other is pushing them to be the best they can be and they’re mad! Why are you mad?  When months ago you were praying to God send you a good man/woman would make you better. Others are just tired of being at a job that doesn’t appreciate them or moves their creativity as it should. It all happens and sometimes more than twice in our lifetime but never make a life-changing decision in a temporary state of emotion.


          “Never make a life changing decision in a temporary state of emotion.”

Ask yourself right now what is getting on your last nerve. What can be done about YOURSELF to make the situation better. Too many times people end good relationships off of something petty and temporary. Our real emotions will have a way of making us react or overreact too soon. For my ladies, we do overreact a lot but men tend to react too soon and can also overreact as well. The point is having a plan. You want to get out of the job you hate well decide that you’re going to hate it with a smile on yourself every day. Also, make sure you at least 3-4 months of money saved up before you decide to exit. Start volunteering to do more. Sounds crazy! Why would you volunteer to do more at a job that you hate? Trust me it’ll make the job easier to go to if you have something that you can “be in control of.” Your girlfriend/boyfriend/friend/whatever isn’t listening to helpful advice. You feel like you’re misunderstood and unappreciated by the person you love the most. Don’t give up. We are human and sometimes we need to be shown by example. Be what you want to receive from others. If you choose to exit too soon the same situation will arise in that new relationship or that new job. Hey, you may even realize that you were the real problem. This is only a temporary state so proceed with caution.



You got this!



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  1. Kia
    April 12, 2018 / 12:46 am

    Very informative naturally nex. “Do more at the job you hate”. I like that.

    • NaturallyNex
      April 12, 2018 / 1:07 am

      Thanks for reading!!